Brian and I did a podcast with John Omvik, VP of Unified Color on his new Nikon Df Camera. John loaned us the camera and we did some test shots in the studio to see if the sensor performed as well as my Nikon D4. A caveat to all of this, we didn't scientifically set this stuff up. We simply did some low light photography(ISO 12,800 for both) on a tripod with both cameras and looked for obvious differences. We did not look at auto focus or processing differences or any of the other internal distinctions that might exist for the two cameras. As both of us are shooters, we simply looked at the images under similar conditions. Here are the images, first the Nikon Df.
Now the Df crop.
Here is the Nikon D4 images.
And the Nikon D4 crop.
As you can tell, the comparisons are not exactly the same but work for us.There is much more chromatic aberration in the viewfinder image crop than in the Lightroom crop. I did nothing to the images but import them with Photo Mechanic, and create a Lightroom 5 catalogue, no post processing within Lightroom. I exported as JPEG's for the blog with sharpening for the screen in the export dialogue. Here is the Podcast.