A few days ago, I was returning to a Lightroom catalogue I had been working on when suddenly my Mac Pro in Lightroom 4 shows an error message that I can no longer save to or open catalogs on the external G Drive(Raid). This happens to be where my photos and catalogs reside. Now I have backups but I wasn't abandoning the idea of my G Drive just because of the error message. I had this problem in the past with the Mac Pro not recognizing a drive after it was improperly removed(connection accidentally removed). In those cases where I could not see the drive, I had to use my laptop to repair permissions under the disk utility before the drive functioned again on my Mac Pro. But this was the first time I had encountered the Lightroom issue. I searched the web, didn't really find much help(so I write this blog). I hadn't knowingly removed the G Drive from my computer improperly, or done anything else except leave the Mac Pro on for an extended period of time. I have found when I leave my computer on for days, things start to get funky. I don't know if going to sleep affects some of the functionality but things happen like my mouse starts acting funny or pages scroll oddly. Anyway, my external raid was useless at this point.
So here's what I did and it worked. Because I could see my drive on the computer, I went into disk utility and ran repair permissions. I then shut my computer down, restarted it, and turned on my G Drive after the computer was awake again. I clicked on the catalog and it worked. No error message, my Lightroom 4 was functional with images once again. If I had lost my ability to see the drive, I would have used a laptop to do the same thing. I have had this occur several times with small external portable drives and it has worked each time to correct the issue.
So that's it the solution that worked for me.