While the groom prepared for his wonderful day, the bride had been sidetracked by an old demon vampire she hunter. The bride was frozen with fear at the realization she was about to....... BEHIND THE SCENE:
The single biggest difficulty with this photograph was keeping it serious. The models kept laughing, and could not keep a straight face. We used two strip grids and a third light with a snoot to light the face. The bride had to look frozen, so I asked her to think of a spider dropping down. Jasmine the Vampire got carried away and bit the bride which brought the house down with laughter. Lots of fun but difficult. I guess vampires can't be seen in mirrors but do cast a shadow, at least they did on "Dark Shadows". Happy Halloween for the blood suckers.
This is Aly. I was wondering if you could e-mail me the pictures from this shoot. I lost your business card.
Posted by: Aly | November 07, 2009 at 03:58 PM