In Northern California today, we are getting the remnants of the Pacific Typhoon that hit Japan. The wind is gusting to 60mph and the rain is coming down in sheets, all sort of normal for east coast NorEasters or Tropical Storms. The difference is the ground, which does not absorb water so it runs like a river from everywhere until the rain stops. Low ground is flooded, ground without vegetation erodes(mud slides from fire), trees with poor root systems fall, and since this is so unusual, it all happens with the "big storm". Unlike the rest of the country, where rain falls regularly all year and storms are experienced throughout the spring and summer, we do not get such events. So, when one occurs, mother nature makes up for the lack of clearing by doing it all at one time. She creates a bit of chaos when this occurs. But have no fear, it will be back to a normal 75 degrees, clear skies, no humidity, no bugs, and clean pacific air in a few hours. But for now, the housecleaning occurs.