I want to illustrate how guidelines of good photography change. I know most of you understand the basics of how to compose a good photo but great photos often make new rules. An example of this can be found in the latest version of "The Book", the infamous Nieman Marcus showing of the latest fashions. Look at these photos and you will get an idea of how clothing is photographed to get your attention, look good, and hopefully motivate someone to purchase. I'm not a fashion geek but I look for photos everywhere especially if I know the purpose so that I can get some new ideas for making an impact. Look at the model positioning, some of it is odd, and ask yourself what were they trying to get across. Look at the products, why were they framed a certain way, what was the creative director/photographer thinking. And the lighting, what is it about over exposure that makes a statement? If you went to a photography class they would tell you the brightest thing in the photograph draws the eye, and gig you for bright spots. Well these fashion photographers must know something new, bight spots are everywhere, and they are paid to draw your eye to the clothing. What I'm trying to illustrate is the fact that photographic insight is everywhere not just in books titled photography. Fashion photography is especially cutting edge since it is so competitive from a product as well share of wallet point of view. And because of that, we can learn much from their efforts. So you males, the next time somebody asks you why you looking at a womens clothing catalogue, don't blush, simply say " I love the way the photographer positioned the shoes", bet he will move on.
PS added some new kiteboarding photos to the website